This is LeadChem International.
LeadChem International is an international Trader, Indentor, distributor, importer, exporter of Actives Pharmaceuticals Ingredients (API’s) Excipients , Packaging materials, chemicals for the pharmaceuticals, Food, feed industries as well as the dietary supplement field. As an independent company.
We regard ourselves as a service provider and focus on the customer`s interests. our aim is to work together with you as a reliable and dependable partner, to achieve your requirements and objectives, enabling you to take a successful market position. we are the ideal partners both for multinationals and for small and medium-sized enterprises.

What We Do?
LeadChem brings you the worlds renowned pharma, food, feed, chemicals industries sourcing solutions projects and reviews, as well as news, ideas and styles leading professionals – from senior management to lower management – who need to stay on top of their industry.
LeadChem incorporates techniques and technologies related to drug research and development and drug development.
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We place huge value on strong relationships and have seen the benefit they bring to our business. Customer feedback is vital in helping us to get it right.
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